
How to Use Fortem Car Accessories

September 04, 2019
A car or truck can be anything from a tool, to a source of fun, to a primary source of income. Our cars and trucks, no matter their price or the condition they’re in, are invaluable additions to our lives, being a necessity for many. Thus, it’s important to take care of them, maintain them, and even augment their utility with safety or convenience accessories. Sunshades, baby mirrors, tire inflators, car vacuums: they’re all vehicle accessories which serve to make your life easier, and represent just a fraction of what we offer to the consumer who’s looking for some of the most helpful car accessories available. Still not quite sold on the idea of car accessories? Let’s take a closer look at some of our most popular Fortem offerings, and not only how to use them, but how they’ll enhance your vehicle ownership experience.


This is one hot summer in 2019, as many of us may have already experienced. With heat waves hitting North America and Europe, there’s no better time to invest in some inexpensive yet highly effective protection from the sun. Have you ever spent a nice relaxing day at the beach, then climbed into your car—which had been sitting under the sun all day—and found that the temperature inside felt somewhere in the range of 9,000,000 degrees? If you have, you’re not alone, but there is a very inexpensive solution for this problem. For just $9.99, our high quality Fortem sunshade will keep your car cool under the sun all day. Pick the right size for your vehicle (we have four sizes available, from small to extra large) and use your existing sun visors to keep it in place, and viola, that’s all it takes to keep the heat out!


For families who do a lot of shopping, or even if you just have a trunk full of disorganized items, our Trunk Organizer V1 and Trunk Organizer V2 are here to help. Both feature a durable construction, convenient carry handles for easy transport, and plenty of space to organize even large items and keep them in place. Both are perfect for hauling anything from a whole shopping trip’s worth of groceries to sports equipment for your kids: balls, helmets, and even baseball bats will fit just fine. Velcro patches on the bottom of both organizer models ensure that even these heavy objects won’t jumble and move around when driving. When your trunk organizer isn’t in use, simply fold it up and stow it away, it takes up very little space. When it’s needed again, unfolding it is just as easy!


Tires sometimes fail, and this can happen at the most inopportune times—say when you’re on a family road trip or driving home after a long day at work. For this reason, a portable tire inflator like our Fortem digital tire inflator is an important accessory to consider adding to your vehicle. If not using it on the go, you can store it in your garage or in a suitable space inside your home. The unit itself is small but mighty, with the power and versatility to inflate anything from a bicycle to an inflatable water toy, in addition to your car’s tires, of course. Our unit is made out of durable material and comes in a handy carry bag which not only makes transportation easy, but includes all the adapters you need in order to inflate a wide range of items, as outlined above. If you don’t mind need a digital display, our portable 12V compressor is a slightly smaller solution for your tire inflation needs.


Babies and toddlers can prove to be a handful in the car, requiring your time and attention when you’re behind the wheel. Unfortunately, most rearview mirrors are not set up in such a way that allows them to directly keep an eye on your kids. This is where our Fortem Fortem baby mirror comes in. With a large wide angle view, durable shatter-proof glass, and 360 degree adjustability, our baby mirror is exactly what you need to keep tabs on your kids. Installation is easy too, as the unit comes fully assembled right out of the box!


Although perhaps not necessary for every driver, these car accessories are here to make your vehicle ownership experience just that little bit more convenient and safe. From tire inflators which give you peace of mind on the go, to a sunshade which will be sure to keep your car cool this summer, we have it all. These are just some of the car accessories offered by Fortem. If you’re looking for more, check out our Amazon storefront and feel free to check out the rest of our site as well. No matter what car accessory you’re looking for, you’ll be sure to know you’re getting one of the best from Fortem!
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