Useful Car Tips

New Car? 3 Things You Need to Do Right Now

August 14, 2018
There are few things like a new car. It even comes with its own smell. But, once the paperwork has been signed and the keys are in your hand, the realization hits: you’ve got a brand-new responsibility to maintain. If you want your car to make it through the long haul, it’s important to treat it right from the start. While there are many opinions on how to break in a new car, including recommendations from the manufacturer, there are a few things that are wise to do with your new purchase, right from the start. Let’s take a look.

#1: Start Your Car’s Maintenance the Right Way

Good maintenance is vital to a long, healthy life for your vehicle. Even if your car just rolled off the lot, there’s no better time to get started with a good maintenance program than right now. All new vehicles come with an owner’s manual that’s packed with useful information, including a routine maintenance schedule. While many drivers may never give the manual a second glance, don’t be one of them. You don’t have to read it cover to cover (although it probably wouldn’t hurt), at least familiarize yourself with the maintenance schedule and what you need to do first. Many experts also recommend changing the oil early, after just 1,000 miles or less. This can help break in the engine more efficiently and add some life to your vehicle in the long run.

#2: Be Careful with Your Driving

Another smart move with your new car is to take it easy at the wheel. A new car can be a lot of fun. But as tempting as it might be to wind it up and see what your new machine can do, don’t. Driving a new car too hard in the first few thousand miles is asking for trouble. While it might seem like a brand-new car should be ready for just about anything—it’s not. Just like a new pair of shoes, cars and trucks need time to break in before they’re ready to be driven harder or haul heavier loads. Most manufacturers specify a break-in period of around 5,000 to 10,000 miles. Just like the recommended maintenance schedule, stick with the manufacturer'sadvice and you’ll be happier in the long run.

#3: Clean and Protect it

New cars are typically very clean. At least, they should be. But, once that new car shine begins to wear off, it’s a good idea to go ahead and give your new wheels a good cleaning and use some protectants to keep all of the interior surfaces in good shape. If you have a baby seat in your car, make sure to use a car seat protector to keep your seats in mint condition. Washing the exterior well and waxing your new car is also a good idea. Waxing will help protect the exterior and keep it looking better, longer.

Preparing for the Long-Haul

Even if you don’t plan to keep your new car until the wheels fall off, it’s still a good idea to treat it right from day one. The resale value will likely be higher, and you’ll be happier with the vehicle if you keep it running right and looking good from the start.
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